
Specifying Completed File Names and Export Paths (TMS)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

Automate the renaming and target of downloaded (translated) files.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Settings Setup_gear.png page, scroll down to the Project settings section and click on Completed file name and export path.

    The Completed file name and export path page opens.

  2. Apply Rename completed files to macro if required. Macro names are case-sensitive.

    Supported macros:

    • {path}

      Only for files imported in ZIP format with a folder structure.

    • {fileName}

      Characters can be removed from the original file name by using a character position (starting from 0) to select part of the name. Examples:

      • {fileName[2:6]} to keep the 3rd to the 7th characters of the file name

      • {fileName[0:-3]} to cut off the last 2 characters.

    • {sourceLang}

      Adds source language

    • Use these macros to represent target language

      Target language macros for multilingual files are a concatenation of all target language codes (e.g. ./cs-de-zh_cn):

      • {targetLang} Based on language codes.

      • {targetLangName} Based on language names.

      • {targetLangRFC}

        • Examples: es, en-US, az-Latn-AZ

        • Based on RFC 5646

      • {targetLangAndroid}

        • Examples: es, en-rUS

      • {targetLangAndroidBCP}

        • Examples: b+es, b+en+US

    • {workflow}

    • {status}

    • {date}

      Date of file download in the PM's timezone

    • {time}

      Time of file download in the PM's timezone

    • {userName}

      Adds username of the assigned Linguist or Vendor. If multiple Linguists are assigned, the name will be empty.

    • {replaceExt[xx]}

      The file extension is replaced by that specified within [ ] brackets.

      • Example:

        If {replaceExt[txt]} is specified, the file test.POT is downloaded as test.txt.

      • Changing extensions does not change the format itself; renaming '.docx' to '.xlsx' does not change a text file into a spreadsheet file.

  3. Provide macro for Export online repository files to.

    • If specific files are monitored, then select Target language subfolder for Export completed files to.

      Specify the folder name in the Target Subfolder Path:

      • Use these macros to represent target language.

      • For some repositories, an absolute path is available. Begin your path with / to indicate the absolute path.

        Available for Amazon S3, Azure, FTP, SFTP, Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, OneDrive, Git, GitHub, GitLab, and SharePoint. When using Git connector, the leading / is followed by the branch name, and then by the root of the repository where .git folder is located. If the branch doesn’t exist, it will be created. When using other Git-based connectors (e.g. GitLab), the leading slash is followed by the root of the repository where .git folder is located.

      • Use .. to refer to the parent folder.



      If the source file is /files/loc/ and the target language is German (Germany):

      • translations/{targetLang} will create /files/loc/translations/de_de

      • /files-{targetLang}/loc will create /files-de_de/loc/<filename>

      • ../{targetLang} will create /files/de_de/<filename>

    • Use . to export a file to the same folder as the source file.

      Available for FTP and SFTP connectors.

  4. Click Save.

    Specified macros are applied to downloaded files.

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